
New Merimbula theatre to be completed after securing $2 million from NSW Government

November 28, 2022 7:30 am in by

The Theatre Twyford project will be completed thanks to $2 million from the NSW Government, Chair Frankie J Holden OAM told members of Twyford Hall Complex Limited at their annual general meeting in Merimbula last week.

“This year we have been working with NSW Government experts on how to complete Theatre Twyford and I am thrilled to say we have now been advised our grant will be amended to allow remaining outstanding works to proceed,” Mr Holden said.

“Details are being finalised and we hope to complete necessary paperwork before the Christmas break so completion work can start in the New Year,” he said.

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“NSW Government project managers have already organised the connection of essential services by local contractors and all that remains now for outside work is to complete the loading dock driveway and re-paving in Beach Street.

“Remaining works will then be internal and include confirmation of compliance with relevant building code requirements, completion of finishes, installation and testing of stage systems, furniture and fitout.

“On behalf of our Board and the Bega Valley community I thank the NSW Government and acknowledge the expertise and professionalism of their specialists who are helping us get this great facility over the line.”

Through the Regional Communities Development Fund the NSW Government has invested $100 million dollars in projects with demonstrated high levels of community support that deliver social, economic, environmental or cultural benefits to communities in regional NSW.

When asked when the new theatre would be ready, Mr Holden said after all the disruptions during the pandemic, he was not game to promise a date, but was hoping to have it ready by mid 2023.

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Images: James Fennessy – East Coast Radio
