Health Within Wellness Centre

Health Within Wellness Centre

Contact details

2/23 Quondola St, Pambula NSW 2549
Email Health Within Wellness Centre
6494 3051
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Pambula Health Within Wellness Centre covers all your health needs, from Herbal Medicine to Massage.

Intravenous drips:

An intravenous drip, or IV drip, is commonly associated with hospital visits, but our mobile IV drips are used to deliver hydration, vitamins and amino acids directly to your body to promote your health and wellbeing. Our IV drips administer vitamin therapy during a 15-20 minutes session safely dispensed by one of our registered nurses.
IV LA VIE – IV Wellness infusions are the most efficient delivery of nutrients, vitamins and medications to the body. Supplements are administered directly into the bloodstream, making nutrients available for immediate use with the potential to impact and improve the function, energy and maintenance of a wide variety of ailments, lethargy, immune boosting and general wellbeing.
Available in Restore, Life, Health, Balance and NAD+