A panel discussion on the new Level 4 Eurobodalla Regional Hospital is planned at Moruya tomorrow evening (Thursday May 23).
The Q&A put on by the ONE New Level 4 Eurobodalla Hospital group in partnership with RSL Moruya, will see a panel of experts across medical, planning and services areas under one roof to discuss and answer submitted questions about the New Hospital and the implications for the region’s health services.
The forum is being staged just as the tick-through for the new hospital’s State Significant Development Application (SSDA) is strongly rumoured to be shortly announced.
Of special significance, as part of planning for Level 4 services in the New Eurobodalla Regional Hospital, is the provision for the first time in our district, of an eight bed Intensive Care Unit (ICU) capacity on doors opening.
“This represents a quantum upgrade and improvement in the level of on-site capability to deal with serious Emergency Care cases and, above all, to save lives,” a spokesperson of the ONE New L4 Eurobodalla Reginal Hospital Advocates said.
The Forum will also offer the opportunity to clarify the response to the findings of an independent expert’s review, following extensive advocacy and significant petitioning from the united communities of Eurobodalla and Bega Valley Shire for greatly needed local access to radiotherapy services at the new hospital.
“Discussions are presently underway at both departmental and ministerial level with regard to provision of funding for local access to radiotherapy Services and the review’s apparent recommendation for planning-in those services in the new hospital precinct,” the spokesperson said.
The Panel will include Eurobodalla Shire Mayor Mat Hatcher, and previous longstanding regional medical Specialist and Member for Bega, Dr Michael Holland.
“Come and get the facts and find out from the experts discussion panel how these planned improvements are being designed and implemented to benefit the entire Eurobodalla community.”
The Q&A style event, will take place at the Moruya Golf Club from 5pm to 6:30pm on Thursday.
Member For Bega, Dr Michael Holand, said the planned hospital’s design phase is complete.
“The construction and delivery of the new Eurobodalla Regional Hospital is progressing from the design phase to the delivery phase,” Dr Holland said.
“There’s been an extensive planning and design process and after this we can start building,” he said.
“There’s already been some preliminary works done at the site of the new hospital and once the construction tender is completed the successful contractor can get on with further early works and main works on the new hospital and I look forward to that happening over the next two months.”
Images: NSW Health