
Young Veterans Sapphire Coast

Are you a younger veteran living in the Sapphire Coast area?


We are starting up a Young Veterans organization on the Sapphire Coast to create a supportive, social outlet for younger veterans from all three services of the Australian Defence Force.

We understand that many younger veterans have suffered physical and psychological issues as a result of their service, that some veterans feel isolated and that it can be difficult returning to civilian life.

Our intention is to help younger veterans meet and connect with other veterans. This does not have to be about reminiscing about service times, but an opportunity to get together for a chat and attend social functions such as family barbecues, walks, picketball and any outdoor activity the group is interested in. We hope that by bringing veterans together they will feel less isolated and this will help to build life outside military service.

We have arranged a Coffee morning at 0800hrs at Mitchys Jetty in Fishpen and you can find us with a Young Veterans poster

The founders of this organisation are younger veteran volunteers. No fees are required to join and any activities will be funded by those who attend. No age is a deterrant

Interested in finding out more.

Please contact Pete Matthey: 0408289562 or Richard Varvel:  0404006284



Feb 04 2025


8:00 am - 10:00 am